During the event, Mr. Riwaj Pokhrel , founder member of NASO ,and the coordinator of GAM Nepal talked about Global Astronomy Month(GAM)and reflected on the importance of celebrating GAM all over the world. Vice - President of NASO ,and the coordinator of Campaign against light pollution gave a brief information on 'Night Sky' and' Light Pollution' . Mr. Suresh Bhattarai,secretary of NASO and Ambassador of Star Peace Event guided students in using Stellarium, an astronomical software for sky observation. Mr. Rijendra Thapa, founder member of Nepal Astronomical Society ,and NpoC of SGAC Nepal gave a brief presentation on Understanding Science .
What is beyond the universe? Can we travel to the future? Does Black Hole eats Nebula? were few out of many interesting questions asked by Young minds.The event was finally concluded on handing over poster 'How Science Works' to the Principal of the School.
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